Controls (2024)

Key/ButtonFunction(s)W, A, S, DMove forward, left, backwards, rightMousewheel up, downIncrease, decrease movement speed/go up, down in context menus. E.g. for doorsCaps LockChange movement speed to minimum, press again to return to previous speedLeft ShiftSprintSpacebarJumpSpacebar (hold)VaultingQ, EQuick lean left, rightLeft Alt + A, DSlow lean left, right - Press quick lean to resetLeft Alt + Q, ESide step left, rightLeft Alt + W, SOverhead, right side blind fireCCrouchC + Mousewheel up, downSwitch between 7 stances from standing to crouching and vice versaXProneLeft Mouse ButtonFire weaponRReload weapon2x RQuick reload weapon - Magazine will be tossed on the groundR + Mousewheel up, downSelective reload of a specific magazineRight Mouse ButtonUse weapon sightsLeft AltHold breath while using weapon sightsLeft Alt + Right Mouse ButtonSwitch between weapon sight reticles/magnificationsLeft Alt + Mousewheel up, downSmooth increase, decrease of magnification on long range scopesLeft Ctrl + Right Mouse ButtonSwitch between weapon sightsMouse 4Shoulder transitionPage Up, Page DownIncrease, decrease weapon sight zeroingBChange weapon fire mode2x BChange weapon fire mode to full autoLeft Alt + BCheck weapon fire modeLeft Alt + TCheck magazine and estimate remaining ammoLeft Alt + RDetach magazine from weaponLInspect weapon/identify weapon malfunctionLeft Shift + TCheck weapon chamber/clear weapon malfunctionLeft Ctrl + RUnload weapon chamberLeft Alt + LFold/unfold weapon stockVMount weaponLeft Ctrl + VToggle bipod on equipped weaponTToggle laser/light device on equipped weaponT + BChange laser/light device activation modeLeft Ctrl + TSwitch between laser/light device modes on equipped weaponMiddle Mouse ButtonFree look, item examine (interface), check magazine and estimate remaining ammo (interface), fold weapon (interface)1Take out secondary weapon2x 1Quick swap to secondary weapon2Take out primary weapon 13Take out primary weapon 22 or 3 with UBGL attached weapon in hands, depends on equipped slotToggle underbarrel grenade launcherGPrepare a grenadeG + Mousewheel up, downSelective preparation of a grenadeUTake out melee weapon2x UQuick melee attack4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9Use assignable quick slot 1/2/3/4/5/62x ZDrop backpackNToggle NVG/face shieldHToggle laser/light device on helmetLeft Ctrl + HSwitch between laser/light device modes on helmetFInteractOCheck remaining raid time2x OCheck remaining raid time, extractionsKUse VOIP push-to-talkUnbound by defaultToggle VOIPYSituational voice line - Will be shown in the bottom left corner of the screen when available Controls (1) E.g. for reloading, injuries, looking at doors/items, finding extractionsY + Mousewheel up, downSwitch between different situational voice lines if available Controls (2)2x YCommunication menu - Left Mouse Button on a gesture/voice line to use it, Right Mouse Button to open assignable hotkeysF1Hotkey for gestures/voice lines, random voice line when unassignedF2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12Hotkey for gestures/voice linesTabOpen/close inventoryR, while dragging an item with Left Mouse ButtonRotate itemLeft Ctrl, while dragging and dropping an item with Left Mouse Button into a free slotSplit stackDelete, while the cursor is on an itemDiscard itemLeft Alt + Left Mouse Button on a gear itemEquip gear item automatically on character in the related gear slotLeft Ctrl + Left Mouse Button on any itemMove item to chest rig/pockets/backpack depending on the item categoryEscOpen game menu, close last opened inventory windowIToggle Hideout module icons in first person mode~ / Ö / Ø or check your control optionsOpen/close the Console. Esc also closes it.Print ScreenTake screenshot (Default folder: C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\Documents\Escape from Tarkov\Screenshots)
Controls (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Views: 5760

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.