The Best English Toffee Recipe (2024) | So Festive! (2024)

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How to make English Toffee the easy way.You'll love this homemade Christmas treat perfect for gifting or parties.

this awesome idea!


It wouldn't be a Christmas season without making my mom's homemade English Toffee recipe. She's the reason I started this blog after all, (read the story here!) so it's only appropriate that I share one of her most famous recipes with all of you along with 13-layer rainbow jello.

This English Toffee candy is so simple to make and tastes delicious!Like, melt in your mouth delicious.

So if you've ever wondered "how to make toffee" this post will show you how easy it is!


This English butter toffee recipe is a popular Christmas treat made with butter, sugar, and chocolate.

The Best English Toffee Recipe (2024) | So Festive! (2)


Homemade toffee is great for Neighbor gifts, teacher gifts, or visitors who stop by. Just package this English butter toffee little cellophane bags and tie with a ribbon for a quick gift!

The Best English Toffee Recipe (2024) | So Festive! (3)


What is English toffee made of?

  • 1 pound real butter- do not use margarine (they don't call it a buttery English toffee recipe for no reason!)
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 ½ cups white sugar
  • 4 Tablespoons light corn syrup
  • about 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • chopped walnuts, if desired
  • candy thermometer
  • wooden spoon
  • large sauce pan
  • baker's half sheet (I use this one for all my baking!)
  • cellophane bags for gifts



1. First, melt the butter in a large saucepan on medium heat. Don't burn it! Once the butter starts melting, attach the candy thermometer to side of the pan like this:

The Best English Toffee Recipe (2024) | So Festive! (5)

2. Once the butter melts, stir in the water, sugar, and light corn syrup. You'll cook it until it reaches 300 degrees F, or the hard crack stage. This is a hard toffee recipe, so be sure it reaches the full temperature.

It will take about 15 minutes to reach 300 degrees. Just keep stirring. So before you start making this Toffee, make sure you have a good 20 minutes or so that you can dedicate to just this!

3. Once the old English toffee mixture has reaches that temperature, you pour the super hot, sweet-smelling hot toffee mixture onto an extra large cookie sheet (*aff. link).

The Best English Toffee Recipe (2024) | So Festive! (6)

4. Then you sprinkle semi-sweet chocolate chips onto the toffee. And if you keep your chocolate chips in the freezer like I do and are worried about them not melting, do not fear! They will melt just fine.

You'll want a bowl scraper to smooth the chocolate chips all over the toffee. Keep smoothing until the chocolate has melted and you have a nice, smooth layer on top.

The Best English Toffee Recipe (2024) | So Festive! (7)

5. For English toffee with nuts, just sprinkle chopped walnuts, or your favorite nuts, on top at this point. You can certainly make it without nuts, too.

6. Take the cookie sheet (*aff. link) of goodness and place outside (if it's nice and cold!) or in the refrigerator and leave there until the toffee has hardened and the chocolate is no longer runny.

7. Once the toffee has cooled completely, hit with the back of a knife to make uneven pieces. Once you have one section broken, you can even use your hands to break the rest.

8. Store in an airtight container or package up for yummy gifts.

See how easy making toffee can be? Seriously, you got this!

The Best English Toffee Recipe (2024) | So Festive! (8)


I would say I would send you some of ours, but the truth is: our entire batch is already gone. Guess we'll just need to make another! 🙂


  • The Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars (2 dozen in 30 minutes!)
  • 5-Minute Frozen Hot Chocolate

Here's the easy recipe for English Toffee!


The Best English Toffee Recipe (2024) | So Festive! (9)

The Best English Toffee

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5 from 2 reviews

  • Author:
  • Total Time: 17 minutes
  • Yield: 13x18 cookie sheet (*aff. link) 1x
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A simple but amazing English Toffee, perfect for holiday gifts, parties, or treats!



  • 1 pound real butter, do not use margarine
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 ½ cups white sugar
  • 4 Tablespoons light corn syrup
  • about 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • chopped walnuts, if desired
  • candy thermometer
  • wooden spoon


  1. Melt the butter in a large saucepan. Attach the candy thermometer to the pan now.
  2. Once the butter is melted, add in the water, white sugar and corn syrup.
  3. Cook the mixture until it reaches 300 degrees F (hard crack) on a candy thermometer. This will take about 12-14 minutes. Make sure to stir continually so that it doesn't burn. Use a wooden spoon-- a plastic spoon will melt!
  4. Once it reaches 300 F, pour the mixture on an ungreased cookie sheet (10x15 is good).
  5. Sprinkle chocolate chips on the top and spread with a bowl scraper. (They will melt). Once you spread the chocolate and it's all melted, sprinkle the chopped nuts if you are going to add them. Cool until hard. To speed up the process, place outside in the cold weather or place in the refrigerator.
  6. Once cool and hard, use the back of a knife to break the English Toffee into pieces. Store in an air-tight container.
  • Prep Time: 3 minutes
  • Cook Time: 14 minutes
  • Category: Treats

Save this British toffee recipe for later! Enjoy one of our favorite Christmas goodies!

The Best English Toffee Recipe (2024) | So Festive! (10)
The Best English Toffee Recipe (2024) | So Festive! (2024)


What's the difference between toffee and English toffee? ›

What's the difference between English and American toffee? The main difference is that traditional English toffee is created without nuts, while American toffee is created with a variety of nuts. The most common nuts being the almond.

What's the difference between English toffee and Buttercrunch? ›

What's the difference? Primarily, the difference rests in the ingredients. Toffee in Britain is made with brown sugar, whereas buttercrunch is made with white granulated sugar. The differences do not stop there, however, since the delectable buttercrunch is usually made with a nice variety of nuts and other flavorings.

How do you get chocolate to stick to English toffee? ›

Use chopped chocolate instead of chips, and the chocolate layer will be more likely to stick. Chocolate chips have a non-melting coating to help them keep their shape. But when they melt, the coating can prevent the chocolate from sticking to the toffee.

What is English toffee called in England? ›

Although named English toffee, it bears little resemblance to the wide range of confectionery known as toffee currently available in the United Kingdom. However, one can still find this product in the UK under the name "butter crunch". Conversely, in Italy they are known as "mou candies".

Which is the best toffee in the world? ›

Lotte Coffy Bite Toffee

This is the best toffee in the world that has a rich flavor of coffee.

Why is my English toffee chewy? ›

Simmering the syrup for English toffee to the requisite 300°F temperature can (and should) be a slow process — up to 20 minutes or so. Don't hurry this gradual transformation; syrup that doesn't reach 300°F, or close to it, will make candy with timid flavor and chewy (not crunchy) texture.

What is the shelf life of English toffee? ›

+ What is the shelf life? Three months unopened, if stored in a cool dry place. + Can it be refrigerated? Yes, but it needs to be set out of the refrigerator to bring to room temperature before serving.

Is butter brickle the same as toffee? ›

Butter Brickle is a chocolate-coated toffee first sold on November 20, 1924, by candy manufacturer John G. Woodward Co. of Council Bluffs, Iowa, and toffee pieces for flavoring ice cream, manufactured by The Fenn Bros. Ice Cream and Candy Co.

What can go wrong when making toffee? ›

Stirring too quickly or too often can cause the toffee to separate. Moderate the heat as needed – turn it down if the toffee is boiling or cooking too fast so it doesn't burn. Cook until the toffee registers 285-290 degrees on an instant-read or candy thermometer and is deep amber brown in color, about 20-25 minutes.

What is the best pan to make toffee in? ›

You need a very sturdy pan which is KEY to even heat distribution. Thinner, cheaper pans can scorch the cooking candy and/or cook it unevenly. Here are some great choices: Anolon Nouvelle Copper and Cooks Standard. I own a couple pricier copper pots because of the amount of candy I make.

Why do you put baking soda in toffee? ›

You might wonder why the toffee recipe includes baking soda. It is added at the end of the boiling stage and creates lots and lots of bubbles. These bubbles help to lighten the texture of the finished toffee, resulting in an easier-to-bite candy.

Why does the butter separate when making English toffee? ›

If the butterfat separates out then usually this is due to the mixture being either heated or cooled too quickly, which "shocks" the mixture and causes the fat to separate out. It can also be caused by the mixture being heated unevenly (if the pan has a thin base and has hot spots).

What is toffee called in America? ›

As you might expect, it's a difference of ingredients. Buttercrunch, the Americanized version of toffee, uses granulated white sugar or high fructose corn syrup in its creation. Americanized toffee may include nuts, while a completely traditional British toffee will not.

Should English toffee be refrigerated? ›

For maximum taste and texture, we do recommend that you either enjoy your toffee immediately, or store it in a refrigerator or freezer. Once opened, unrefrigerated toffee will retain maximum freshness for about a week. Refrigeration adds 3-6 months of shelf life, while freezing adds up to a year or more.

Is English toffee like butterscotch? ›

Toffee is butterscotch that has been cooked for a longer period of time. Toffee begins as a base of butter and brown sugar that is gradually cooked to the hard-crack sugar stage between 295 and 309 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is English toffee the same as butterscotch? ›

Toffee vs Butterscotch

While butterscotch is cooked to a soft-crack stage, toffee is produced by allowing that same butter and brown sugar mixture to reach the hard-crack stage. Butterscotch tends to be chewy and pliable; toffee is brittle and more breakable.

What makes English toffee separate? ›

If the toffee or caramel is not handled properly during the cooking process, the butter sometimes separates from the sugar and forms an oily layer on top of the candy. This often happens during the cooking stage, but sometimes it separates as it is being poured out onto a baking sheet to cool.

Why is it called English toffee? ›

The name “English toffee” comes from the crunchy “toff” sound the candy makes when you bite into it. As the candy became popular, shops began selling it under the name “English toffee” or sometimes just “toffee.”

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.