The Birmingham News from Birmingham, Alabama (2024)

5A'rrRDAY, X0VE1IBER 1951 THE BIRMINGHAM NEWS The South' Greatest Newspaper AUTOMOBILES FINANCIAL MERCHANDISE ROOMS AND BOARD ROOMS AND BOARD HIS LOST ABE MARTIN 14 AUTO ACCESSORIES ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING 69 fCewrriett. UN. ky Kstiona! K.wspaoo errte, fas Tb BfraUirham Wtw.) ROOMS WITH BOARD 47 SOUTH HIGHLANDS Mealy funu.uvd'rMSW with excellent meals. AH muds-ru coBvea lences. Coatiaaooa hot water; fureac brat, reasonable.

Main 1858-W. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 38 CAJS for $ie, Sttmc morv than 300 p-r nc-qih a ad B.t amah boai la Wooiiam, KanmU) if aaxt wuek. Change oevemarv for pnrwct wor. MIU 1st Ave. HEAMKKY nd deliaieann Ix-st utLAMtkiu ant3 aeiRaieaavn; inrst oi BUILDING MATERIALS 54 8ELL1NG OCT rtoermg, 'A i.f framing, deekteg in faet.

entire lumber stock must to gt once, regard. ess termer price; Xu. jt tiooHng. siding and easing. 540; N- 2 cilfct, 5f3; are arc selling out, stock sod barrel, all mot go at ooce.

Cals Lumber 3400 1st Ave. WYLAJ4 -2 or 3 large uafumii cuaraetiag. Call after 7 p. i Eraley if LAM- For rent. 2 nit wijo laiog rw, ionneetirig bath, private estrunca.

ij08 46th Wylam, Ala. WHERE TO EAT 71 IN er side of 'ssnr ijfvfcrt-SBwfii w. meats, ail oa at Male 1728. 1 Realty Realtors, 626 American BWr. MARK SULLIVAN SOUTHS IDE Front room, wall furnished.

aH cotivbuees; meala if destn. Main 174. SOlTHSiOE, 826 S. 20TH 8T. -lively laife roam, city heat, excellent meat.

home, walking distance Main 1498-W. FUEL AND FEED At TO PAKlg Sere 23 to 13 per cost am) e.i parts. Jefferaoa Aste Wret-kli. 141s 2d Mata 2 tap. ALTO BAHTS Moat complete line of new and use! auto anl truck parts la the South.

Sore ftvta to SO per cost by buying from ua. ALABAMA A I TO WRICKING CO. 314 8. I8TH BT. MAIN 5888 At 1G TARTS 23 to VO per cent off list; we buy old cars.

riolngtssm. Aato Wrecking 1304 3rd Ate. Main T16. WILSON Auto rtr- abng, the boat equipped vuP-aaiaing shop in tho 8outli tires a tpe -ialty. lm 22nd St.

Mala 8873 DESIRABLE location far filhag station, becae sad s-ft drinks; junettog. 3 wav near Huffman. Phone Heraloek IHK BEST BAKU KtCK la tuim aiM Mat rooms at ressoaanle prices. mtes Cafe and Hokcl, 1917 4th Ave. Main REAL ESTATE FOR RENT WJBS1 EM E-m and hoard in private bom garage for rent.

West End 337-W. 11T7 TaacalooM Are. iaca-thma. average sales $Xi per day, eue, make tae an offer; must leave city Monday uight. Leatral Fark.

I PittMK WASTED Maanfgcturer wants act paruurr with ability to hhBll office and coUection; S0i will buy half interest ia this going bournes; will clear $3,000 first year; gire phone for ioterrivw. care Xwa. 800! For aale at a reaaoaable price, located 1801 8th X. a nice bualhes. COAlr Carl Coal 813 N.

30th St. Valley coal, 5J.3u per ton delivered. Hemlock 1306. tii And Tammany Loyal, at Can't Overcome Convention Bitterness Wfctvi EM. 113 X.

POPLAR ST. Ream aud board in pmsts family; all im con veniences. West End FARMS AND LAND FOR SALE 83 ACRE For farm haagalow, bant, wood, water; good 1 bastion; assy terms. Write G. A.

Heaton, WUnonriile, Ala. APARTMENTS AND FLATS 74 AVS. H. 19.1 city steam heat, hot water conUnuvus. Also Lruom for rent.

Mala JKS35. sTiriH TMptl mail partly furnifthnd. ST MASK SULLIVAN MONEY TO LOAN 40 FOR sale or exchange, 90 acres land wit 2 old houses and good barn. 13 mile frem-Birta Ingham, on good road; price will aell on easy terms or will trade for P.irmtnghsm property. Apply 596 1st Jitfl -Bank Bldg.

Main 4630. Valur ia ll Tlrf s. I ATL VI LC 4J3 i XTfH ST. 1 SA1JL ur swap, 4 3UxJV-lDfh aohd dlac whas-i, alau bob. 3 rile and 4 wUkla.

Call Adcocli, Kbaley 9U lirmiRfham New, to The Birmingham New. 3JC Jsov 1. One aspect of cauaba valley coal co. inct do yard profit; Caliaba lump-nut mixed, H. M.

$5.50. Main WT2-34tT; night, lPKJ. COAL Carl Coal tU It. Coal alley toal, Cahaba Ited Ash and lump and net Hemlock 1566. BEEl PlLP New crop.

you are not acquainted with this milk producing feed we woul-l be glad to explain. W. 8. Browa Mercantile 2223 2nl 23t5 Morria Ave. S.

M. SMITH COAL CO. Hhm Wood la wm OU: minen. ami ilitrUutors of Cafcafea Valley Red A Coal. A- near as your nearest telephone.

BUSINESS SERVICE WEST END Nice rooms with board. Rates reasonable. 6 CoUtge 8t. WEST END Large furnlabad front room on car line, near library; meal in Mme bock. West End 446-J.

ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 68 61'H AVE N. 2UU6 Nice bed rooms with all conveniences. Giera-iu. Also one houses ng room. Main UDR AVE 1301 Fbnthdied.

fnnt rwn. iTivafr tainlly. Modern. 2 car liues a.u meais convenient. Genftemen or business couide.

Main 1663-L2. EAM OF 20TH 8T. 3 furnlabed bedrooms bousekeepi ng rooms near meats, all conveniences. Main S45LVV after 6 o' clack. CENTRAL PARK 416 Beech St 3-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished, modern light water, phone furnished; sink.

COTTON AVENIE Wt En.l. SuxlSO, tAST MKt flE Bn.T new 3-rwm maxll. bl.wn cr Us. jrniiiei apartment, prirate tth and biuc, 2 blorli. of 4 oi trasre: raojlern dui.

Wocrt-j chlwte of hu, front not lavru lttoQ-J. -I bak. furnished by bearieg pecan treee. E'ANT LAKE Entire upstairs. 4 room- and I yVrat End 493-W.

bath, separate i ntranet, water furnished. 1 '1 $25. Osrr, Main 37b4 or 8806-L2. (EAST LAKE TP 10 5th new S-roottf BUSINESS SERVICE OFFERED 13 HA18 CJJtAoSKU. HJjUCIDED A.M ill, TBI1IA1ED Glucks Hat Cleaob 1713 3rd Are.

lboue 24Tl. PRINTING STATIONER 26 FIRST MORTGAGE Loans nude or paper bonght, 7 per cent and per cent, hee J. H. Walker, A18 JC. 21t St.

Main 5140. FIRST MORTGAGE $500 op on property In Jefferson County; mortgage! bought. S. E. i bouipitOD, Tltlg Guarantee MORTGAGE LOANS Mad for period of 3 to 3 years on improved Birmingham property at rea sonnbie rates; unlimited funds at ail tuues.

HAZZARD CLARK MORTGAGE INC. 406 TITLE GUARANTEE BLDG. MAIN 3484 GOOD THINGS JTO EAT 57 80RGHU31 aurgbulD, nvw crop, $1.23 per gallon. IV. S.

Brown Merc. 2223 2ml Ate. Main 1S2. FIVE POINTS DIST R1CJ 1631 12th 5-room apartment and sleeping porch upstairs. Only $35.

Main Jwi. NO tt WOO 141223 31st St. upstair, furnished ajiartraent, private entrance and jrch, heat, lights, water and garayk. Hemlock 1107-J. ME 1 AC 519 N.

lSlh St. 2 and 3-rokm anartmenls Norwood apat-niente. 2415 12th Ave. N. steam heated and Mok, B.

E. A 211SH ltt Ave. N. I soi 'iH Highlands Modern 3. 4 IAftlX ftOO, 5.

73, 1.0U0. Scu.l check with onler. Au dreaa P. O. Box 333.

Blraiogbsa. PHOTOSTAT PRiNTIKO Engineers Supply 2111 lt r-iyrvductioiii at orlgibgj, enlarged ot retlucewl aire of anything drawn, writ ten or printed. MAIN 5155 ts- HOUSEHOLD GOODS 59 BED3 Bed strings, bfcTenU; beds, $2.85 ujT Estes Strickland Furniture Co. 2113 3rd Ave. Main 606.

DAVANETTK 8U1IS New 3 piece oak finish duvanerte suite at a bargain at $52.50. Swell Furniture 1900 Ave. F. DINING ROOM SUITE--At special bargain. Cluen Anne, brown mahogany dining rvom auit- 1honc Main 6tl-W.

FURNiTt RB New and second-hand, bought and sold; easy term. Furniture 2309 2nd Ave. ilaiu FHONOGRAPUS- nui apaftments, tile latb and 2615 9th Ave. 8. Call Main 3118.

bungalow with sleeping porch, hot and coRF water. car line, every possible conrea- lence; away from noise and dirt; cash or- terms; a real bargain. Appiy at 7bOO 5th N. 1 1 -ar Jr EAST LAKE Excellent 5-rom house on cog-ner lot, 50x165; special, $2,500: plck-hp Apex Realty 21254 2nd Ate. Main 1604.

EAST LAKE 6-room home on corner on; block from 1st Are. A bargain. Normeat A Poe. 100 N. 21st St.

Main 6174. ENSLEY Close in. 5-room bungalow, wito bath, all conveniences; composition roof: good lot, near high school and gramma? school. Conveniently arranged. $3,150.

$506. cash, balance $30 month. B. L. Daniel, 51 1 19th phone Ensiey 7.

knsEey highlands New 5-room bungalow with all modern conveniences, on beautiful lot, walking distance of grammar and high school; a good buy at easy terms. Call C. W. Wheeler, Ensiey 2000. with PKGRAM A MEADE tir) VENTUALLY, why not thi ia th atogan of 4 Artie Small, cannydate fer aheriff, whos out fer goverment ownership o' bus lines.

A Mexican dog is th only animal left that dont linaily end up in a fur coat Or neckpiece. THE J. German Decorating 1726 lt Are-, JUiu 74. Fapering and psini-iug a iet laity. Hook-Up Henry Says Uil I REPAIRING ee ITBMTUKK Kepairtug, refiniahing, aphoi-atering; also grating.

Tuxedo Furniture UuspitaJ, phone Enaiey 1392 or 1U01 Eualey Ave. iTU.NTTl'KE Repairing, reflnlshlng and up boastertnir, senTcc sod quality. I.eo E. Gue-rtnger. 1028 8rd N.

Mala 8847. AXJ. kinds of furniture repaired and re-fin inbed; upholatenng a specialty. J. L.

Wharton, 340 N. 53rl 8t. Fbone Woodlawn 127 J. MORTGAGE LOA 3 to 13 years at reasonable interest rates on Dwellings, apartments, business houses in Greater Birmingham and Alabama towns of more than 10,000 population. Ioans on Unproved Alabama farms.

JEMI80N COMPANY 221 N. 21ST ST. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. MORTGAGE, LOANS Ians negotiated; purchase money paper bought. BANKERS MORTGAGE BOND CO.

RESOURCES OVER $600,000. SUITE 1402 3 AM. TRUST BLDG. REAL ESTATE- Leans on first mortgage at 7 and per cent. ilenley-Spurgeon Realty 322 N.

2Jst 8t. Main 1210. HEAL ESTATE Loans at low rates on butd-nes and residence property. Steiner Bankers. 2101 1st Main 1067.

N. 20T11 604 For rent. 1 room for gentlemen only. Apply 4 X. 20th St.

K.VSLKY -2519 Ave. furnished room to gentlemen, convenient to nice meals; garage it draued. Call Knaley 1311. 8NKLIY Eurnlabed room, adjoining bath. Areola heat, to gentk-maa or business cou-pb- Phone Enaley 544 L2.

FIVE POINTS DISTRICT Fur nlahad bed rooms, suitable for 4 geuUemen or ladies; aisv furnished apartment for rent. Main HH7-L2. FIVE POINTS Furnished room iu strain heated apartment. Gentlemen. On 3 car lines.

$5 per week. Alain 4902 after 0:30 p. m. iTlVE POINTS 1112 8. 19th n.cely fur-mshed room, private steam heated att.

gentlemen or buslneas ladies. Mala 5665-W. HIGHLAND PIAZA Room adjoining bath for gentlemen. $45. Call Main 3306.

NOlt 111 HRillLANDii One or two nice connecting front rooms, furnished or unfurnished. adjoining bath, steam heat, hot water. lights, pnora furnished. Main 979. 1121 N.

1 3th St. NORWOOD 169 N. 34th attractive room for two young men in private home, half block from car; meals Bear. NORWOOD-Room in beautiful new home with private or connecting bath for roong gentlemen $41 per month. Exchange of references.

Hemlock 648-W NORWOOD Nicely furnished room In private home; gentleman, references exennnged; ga- rge deaired. Gall Hemlock 2875 J. OWEN TONV Attractive room, adjoining bath, on ear line, near Birmingham-Southern College meals near. Phone West End 326 -J. RIDGLEY Suhrcnt (or about 2 months, one large front room, furnished, private bath, shower and porch.

Main 5432. or Wood- lawn 717, SOUTH HIGHLANDS--Nicely furnished front bedroom, furnace heat, couvenienl to bath. To men or business couple. Gall Main H474-J. SO TH HIGHLANDS 1512 $.

20th SL, Urge furnished room iu private home; built -iu book cases; large closet, plenty of sunshine, heat and hot water, near car line ami board. Main 7535-J. EMPLOYMENT SOUTH HIGHLANDS Furnished apartment In Sooth Highland home to aduita; references. Main tlflOJ. WH8T flND Furulsfaed in private fsmily, modern coaveniencea, lights, wAter.

phone furnished. West End 429-J NEAR FIVE POINTS Beautiful 8 rooms and bath, gas range, shades, heat, hot and cold wa ter furnished. Orr. Ms in 8764 or 8858 L2. BUSIN ESS LAC ES OR RENT 75 621 N.

26TH ST. Shop or garage, best loot ion iu town Call Main 6212-W. GARAGE SHOP For rent: best location in the district, corner of 26th St. and 29th Avenue. Three corners occupied hv filling stations, Texas.

Go-Zip and Standard Oil Companies. Cali Main 5327. It WOOD Mode rn new stores, I2tth Ave. and 24th St. Alacke It.

E. 1. 2119H let N. DESIRABLE locations in the heart of the business' district. Mol ton Realty 2028 3rd Ave.

Main 8618. FOR BENT Moat desirable retail location in the city; possession now. W. B. LEEDY R.




SALESLADY Experienced In china deoart-ment, of high haps store; full particuuua in first latter, L-21. ea re Nya. WAITRESS Colored girl waitreas must have little experience. Terminal Cafe, 4U6 N. 26th 8t.

REAL ESTATE LOANS Any amount, terms and Interest to nuit. Mortgages bought. John W. Prude, 106 N. 22nd St, Main 5793.

HEAL ESTATE Loan made on residential and business property. Messer-Johnson Reai-ty Co-, 216 X. 21st 8t Main 1407. REAL E8TATE I.oans made on residential and business property. McConnell- White-Terry.

2026 3rd Ave. Main 358. iV ENSLEY HIGHLANDS- 6-room, 2-atory. paved street, garage, 1 blocks front car I0; neighborhood, all conveniences; $5,250 $590' rush, balance like rent. L.

Daniel, 5I loth Phone Enaley 7. ENSLEY Good 6-room bungalow, nice lot; -hardwood floors, breakfast room, preyed brick mantels, pretty electrical fixtures. Areola heat; $50 cash, balance $40 month. See Jesse A. Bell, with J.

11. Per- kina. Ensiey 28. ENSLEY -vSee for real estate and insure a nee. George E.

Boyd. Real Estate A Insurance t'o. 1615 Ave Uisiey. FAIR VIEW $3,500. good borne, 5 rooms and i bath, brand-new, lust on block of South Ensiey and North Bessemer car line, in a choice neighborhood terms.

$750 cash, balance $35 pr month. Call D. F. FairfioHT, Kn lev 198 1 FAIRFIELD A R-roon brick veneer with til porch and th Areola heat, on paved if street. The owner requires a larger Call J.

P. Tatum. Ensiey 226-J. with Dunn Realty 436 1st Nat Bank- Main 3511, NOBTH BIRMINGHAM NORTH BIRMINGHAM HOMES One 6-roora bungalow with bath and vj all modem fixtures. appearance; a dift cheap buy for the price; thia house is on 33rd ona block from car; price.

$4,000. One 5-room house on same street, with bath and modern conveniences, in -good shape aad a wonderful buy easy terms on both of above houses. CALL BOB BELL, MAIN 16S0 WALKER NORTH BIRMINGHAM, ALA. WANTED Wcmen to paint lamp shades for us at home; easy, pleasant work; whole of part time. Address Nileart 36U3, Ft.

Wayne. Ind. WANTED girls for bindery work. Those with some xperien preferred. Apply Monday murning.

Birmingham Publishing Ave. at 19th St HELP WANTED JM ALE 33 ALT UL NT ANT salearaeu, hte-nug rap hem and technical men can receive valuable assistance in connectmg with reliable Biniiingham firms through our Business Service 406 N. 21at St. Re Jy outs je the stte, especially by ira- leaders In tha South and They want to know, in the ex-lVe of their fraternity. Smith and Tammany axe h- We I meant, are Smith and to trade away votes for Da-tx for votes for Smith? ith and Tkmmany merely trying ve -truth and throwing Davis aard theM: questions, current among oral in the South and West, are tlo- that anger and suspicion st York ang York De- c-v grew up out of the Dem-e national convention in this city uly he answer ,0 these questions is Smith and the Tammany or-luation are loyal to Davis and national Democracy, but equally lr the fact that it Is now too for any amount of effort and pity to Mr.

Smith and Tammany arry New York for Davia. Da-lao 0, favorable fortune in Yc goes largely back to the York convention and the out-" Of it. Jthe i-i that convention the two ns that had fought each other ely throughout the proceedings ued to glare at each other acroas iloidy chasm. Instead of feeling Bponutneoua enthusiasm for Davis BwAtely after he was nominated. Wo faction Ignored the nominee i in their emotion of hate I each other.

That early period of in promptly behind Davis fatal. ie that lasted that lui Rut by the time the fork Democracy had got over the of the New York nuiven- tnd a ready to make a fight foi a nsiderable portion of the lore electorate bad crystalixed d- tei ruination to vote for La e. it stands today, the New York pocratic leaders find it utterly Tissibie to deliver anything near normal Tammany vote to Davia. ftt quantities of the Tammany vot-cast their ballots for La Fol--4 "I numlwirs will vote for Cool-a have either refused or FOTUke i0 vote for president next a Tt se last Include those un-1 fo vole for a candidate running ticket but also unwilling ggive the Democratic party for re-the nomioaUon to their favorite, I li. Is the story of Davis- present Fes not only in New York, but In (Jersey and New England.

In all erritory which composed the Smith fth In the Democratic convention, will not carry a state nor have Ctor. It Is not the fault of the at least, tt Is not their fault In New York Smith and Tam-and in New Jersey Frank Hague ay fhnBg their best for Davis. bey are dragged back and made ent by the toilette strength he re? llectiona among the Dem-c voters of the New York convec-That sort of vote which the ratio leaders have ordinarily been vote In masses cannot this year voted. These leaders are like With v- ghls on their feel. (cfd tc this the fact tha Dem-tic business men and the ordi-sources of campaign funds alienated by the presence of on the ticket, and the net lit is thst Coolidge will carry York stats readily.

Democrats In New York do not I in tern, of a fight between fool-gnd Datis for the presidency. They In the terms of the fight be-Smlth and Theodore Roosevelt he governorship, and about this rtorsUp fight they think very $5 TO $50 QUICKLY LOANED Salaried people, permanently employed; confidential; without security. Rales lowest. Easiest payments. M.

K. LEE 403 AMER. TR. BLDG. MAIN 6334 HOT BLAST HEATER Large, and one gas cook toye, both in good condition.

West End 872-W. LOANS made on Birmingham real estate, 6 aad 7 per cent. Title Guarantee Loan Trust Title Bldg. BLACK LOAN CORPORATION, INC. Loan on endorsed notes, household goods or anything of value.

204 Clark corner 4th Ave. and 20th St. Main 855 1. RUUD WATER HEATER gas atove. $7.50: refrigerator, $5.

2615 9th Av City Auction and Trading t. Main 311 HOU8ES FOR RENT ft tiiTH 172U 6 room. Areola heat, garage. Green-Darden U. E.

A Ins, 2124 1st Ave. Main 8891. 35TH 8., OOtF-New 5 room corner house, hot aiif cold water, bath. gas. electricity, garage.

$35. Appiy 621 N. 34th $St. 51am 823 1-J. ELY TON New 4-rooin bungalow, bath, gas, lights, near Mest End car line.

$25. Ap- piy 267 1st Ave. Main 2133-J. OWE NTX P21 Elian 6-room bungalow and garage, $45 per moDtti. West Kud 825-W.

SOUTH HIGHLANDS Furnislied house. 8 rooms, 2 sleeping porches, could sublet small aparimekt if desired; attractive proposition. Main 1542-J. After 6 m. Main 8850-W.

80 THS1 DE J1 24 Highland 6-room house. 2 baths, new. rouf, new paper and paint. Main 4483. MIUTUSIDE 6 room new bungalow 3Q13 Ave.

D. Hardwood floors. Areola heat and etc. $60 per month or will sell for $199 cash and $65 per month. Apply 206 1st National Bank Bldg Main 4630.

SIMMONS iron bed with mattress, cedar porch rockers, oak chiffonier, sectional bookcases, folding steel couch. Block baby carriage. 9x12 rug, and other things, bargain. 4215 Clalnnont Ave. MONEY Do you need money? Men and women steadily employ ed can borrow money on their personal note.


2616 Ave. G. ia in 3315-L2. BOY Wanted. Boy who lias some experience airiuud cafe ml knows how to wait on people.

Greea Ave. Gold wire 8t. COOK Wanted, man cook. 1013 S. 40th Mountain Terra.ce.

DISTRICT SAi-En MANAGERS WANTED I want the man that has th vision to grasp the poeslhilities with the fastest growing manufacturers in the direct selling Hell today. 1 want the man that nas the anility to organize and develop large forces of men and wmen into permanent sales-r epr even tatl tea. I want the man that has character, personality and perseverance. 1 want the man that will not be satisfied with leas than $5,000 his first year and that can increase this to $10,000 his second year. I want the man that is financially able to operate on self sustaining business basis until his first checks begin to come through.

If you are the man, then I can offer you a franchise in either of two of the largest cities the South. Both cities now have offices opened and the nucleus of an organization. Call 5Iain 6785 for personal interview or write me In detail your qualifications to y. 0. Box 261, Birmingham, Ala.

story. The Danger Signal, was given by Mr. L. C. Hutchison.

Tha hostess served hot chocolate and wafers. The Bridge Club met in a very delightful" meeting, with Mrs. John Sessions Friday afternoon. Game- were played at two tables. Mrs.

Wallace Haley, of Haleyviile was a guest. The hostess served a plate course with hot coffee. Rev. and Mr. H.

C. Threadgill entertained the board of Methodist stewards Tuesday evening at the parsonage. After the business session a two-course luncheon was served. SOUTH HIGHLANDS Lovtdy room, connect ing bath; furnace heat; B-ivate home com forts and invironwent; mear car. Mam 7048.

SOUTH HIGHLANDS Nicely furnished room, with furnace hint, for business couple gentlemen. Phone Main 2205-J. SOUTH all LAN 1)8 Your choice of 2 larg nicely furnished rooms; furnace heat; near car and meals. Family of adults, garage. Main 6666.

SOUTHSIDE Attractive room, all mdern con euiencci5; continuums hot water; private family; gentlemen. Main 7M4-W. ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING 9 AVE. 8730 South Avondale, 2 connecting nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping ail modern conveniences, upstairs, near bath. private home, block from cars and path.

AVE. 2008 Fur nmhed room and kitchenette. every convenience. $4.50 per week, walking distance. Main 7780-W.

AYE. H. Sw 2017- Rooms for Housekeeping, 2 or 3 downataira connectlag furnished roonu. Extra large kHcnen. sink, hyt wh llht owner home.

5TH 1910 Nicely furnished rooms for house keeping, a iso extra bedrooms, gas furnished. 7TH 2516 Newly furnished room and kitchenette, $25 month; sink, ever-Uol a ter; close In. Main 5324-J. 8lH 1110 Nice furniabed housekeeping rooms, connecting; private family, hot water; no children. Si'll 19U6 One room and kitchenette, also one front room completely fur-niaheil for housekeeping.

12TH 8.. 1506- A completely fur nlshed 8-room apartment, also 2 room con netting bath ami heat. Main 3017-J. 16TH 411 Furnished bedroom ami kitchenette, adjoining bath, $6 pgr week; lights, water furnished. NORWOOD lt us show you this Jieautlfu! bunga-bw, best section of Norwood; a $12 -000 value which on account of tbe owner being called to another city to live we tau sell for $11,000.

Jvtrms to suit. SMITH CTHXOM R. E. INK CO. 2122 1ST AVE, MAIN 1281 WE furnish a loan service io those who need $500 or less.

Newark Cash Credit Inc. 310 Empire Birmingham, Ala. Phone Mam 3944. PRACTICALLY new Victor vietrola. About $66 worth records with books to hold them Will take $125.

Also vacuum cieaner. chid bed, tea wagon and Martha Washington sewing cabinet. Will sell cheap for quick rale. Math 7891-J. seeds; PLANTS.

FERTILIZERS 63 BWBET PEAS Time now to plant sweet peas. Dont delay getting sweet peas in the ground; ak our Mr. Gorxuan for advice about culture and variety; he will gladly aeeist you. Gorman-Gammill Seed 2330 2nd Ave. Phone Main 3236.

WEST END 5-room dwelling with 5 acres of land in a beautiful grove on pike road. 3 blocks of oar line, in city limits; has city water und electric lights; tine place to raise chicken; possession Nov, 1. Call Owner-Main 2522. Office 726 Woodward Bldg LOANS Made to help buy. build or improve homea; money on hand.

Security Havings A Loan 2125 3rd Birmingham. WEST END For reht, 7-room bungalow, Aruba heat, tile bath, garage and all conveniences. Wit 4th Ave. DO YOU NEED MONEY? Are your debts burdensome? Let us help solve your financial troubles. Fay back on easy monthly payment plan.

PRUDENTIAL LOAN A TRUST CO. 1016-19 AGE-11ERALD BLDG. SPECIALS AT THE STORES 64 WOODLAWN VICINITY 8-room house with 7 acres good land. 6 blocks of car line. Price $25 per month.

Apply 200 1st National Bank Bldg. Main 468. ODD TROUSERS Largest assortment in the city. All woo! serges, fine weave at $4.95. Marc Linx.

1911 1st Ave. MOUNTAIN MOVING CARDIFF. The mountain near Bar-goed is moving and has already shattered the water mains supplying 20 villages. MOVE 300-YEAR-OLD HALL LONDON. Bradley Hail, a 300-year-old structure, is to moved to miles from Kingswinford to NORWOOD A BEAUTIFUL NORWOOD HOME In this home we offer you something that is far above tbe average, 7 large rooms, tile bath, hardwood floors, and all modern conveniences.

This house was built by tbe owner and not built for selling purposes. It i one of the iutet beautiful as well as one of the ben investments in the city. A beautiful flchlstone front lends attraction that Is hard to beat. Price $12J50U With terms. CALL BOB BELL MAIN 16S0 WALKER BLDG.

NORTH BIRMINGHAM, ALA. INSTRUCTION UNCALLED for stilts and pants at low prices. Durham Woolen Mills, 1813 2nd dor west of Plaits. 65 WEARING APPAREL FTELD A AG KTLa B1ANJJSIL Hare two desirable opening for men capable of employing and developing salesmen and saleswomen. If you have had experience in the direct selling field, are clean cut, aggressive and are able tv seli the best merchandise in the world yourself, apply with references 2TT Real Eat ate X.

2lat St. OFFICE MAN tan obtain valuable assistance in securing good office position by calling at our office. Let me explain proposition. The Coramerciat Exchange. 403 Empire Bldg.

SUITS ANU OVERCOATS My $25 suit. nd overciat, are tbe best values In the 1 1 Largest assorlsnent anil 1 aave jOl $10. -Mare Linx. 191 1 tut Ave. ANNOUNCEMENTS LOCAL INSTRUCTION LA SS 43 AL'ERJiUN Rusicgna Coliege rates attractive; "Ihe School of Day and night classes.

Enroll now. 2021 1st Ave. Main 7271. ATTEND Wheeler Business College, estate iished 1888. 8e mi ions day anu njght.

Wheeler students get the beat positions. COACHING iu school subjects by professionally trained and experienced teacher. Main 5651 -L3. SOUTH HIGHLANDS Bungalow and 2-story SUITS ANU OVERCOATS Over 500 all-wool suits anti overtvwts. stlendld patterns anl good weights it $19..

I save you $10. Mare Lim, 1911 lt Ave. 10 LOW -Light red. with aawed off horns; strays Thursday night. Main 5956-W.

724 W. lt Arc. i home for sale. Main 4174, Enalen It. Ins.

Co. FOR RENT I-arge rooming house on Souths Idc, located 2130 Ave. real reaonahle. 1204 S. JSth 7 rooms: fur nace $50 1430 S.

18th 7 rooms and sleeping porch, either furnished or unfur-uished; house has hardwood floors, tile bath aud furnace. 1432 N. Allen 4 room apartment $27.50 1227 N. 11th practically new 6 room bungalow hs hardwood floors, 2 garages, $55 1500 N. Allen 4 rooms, $30 7200 1st 5-room cottage, 2 lot.

garage $40 1323, Alois Ave. (near Ball Park on S. Enaley car), 4 rooms: new 5824 2nd 8., 7 rooms $40 FELIX SHERROD REAL EvSATE RENTAUS. 2103 X. 3RD AVE.

MAIN 2057 OFFICE MAN Wanted, ambitious office man who i willing to train himself for a rehi position, 116 Age-ilerald Bldg. 68 WANTED TO BUY LIVE STOCK COLLIE -Lost or strayed female collie: walte with tan ear. Answers name 'Beauty. Reward. 715 Cotton Ave.

West End 136 J. SOI THS UL A good 6-room bungalow on i2t4 St. near 17th cau be lought for les than This is a good buy. Sber wud A. Moore ltidRy 2024 5th N.

Main 1470. f*ckMTl Wanted, any kind second hand furniture; will pay cash or trade on new. Phone Entity. 1890, lagan Fnrpitura Co. OFFICE MAN Wanted, Office man willing to equip himself for good office position.

101" Age-ilerald Bldg, 47 DOGS, CATS. PETS COW -Strayed or stolen from 2521 22nd St.f 1 Holstein cow, black with white belly and face; reward for her return or for information trading to her whereabouts. Notify A. F. Jordan.

ROOMS AND HOARD BIRD DOGS 2 8-months old bird dogs for sale. Reasonable. Woodlawu 1601 -J. SHOE SALESMAN Capable of serving fine trade, slate experience and salary expected; correspondence confidential. L-22, care News.

SELMA. ALA. -12-roow house for sale: nor quite half Mock from street car Jino could, be made Into modern up-to-date aplPHoent house: extremely large lot; sufficient room for 4 or 5 garages. For further information, call Mrs. Brown, Main 2018.

67 ROOMS WITH BOARD ENTERPRISE SALESMAN AM COLLECTOR anted if you have confidence in yourself, we will teach you the rest; moat liberal contract to good man. Apply Saturday or Monday. Singer Sewing Machine 521 19th Enaley. Ala. THE world's largest dog keuuela offer for sale Itoraug Aircdaic watch dugs, automobile dogs, farm dogs, ehindren's companions, hunters- and retrievers.

Also lug game hounds and Thoroughbred puppy stock, gat-bound ami thoroughbred puppy stork. Sat-isfactiOB and sufe delivery guaranteed to any point ih the United Large illustrated descriptive catalog mailed free. Oorang Kepnei. Box 579, I.Rue, O. NEAR VIRGINIA HEIGHTS 5 rooms nd sleeping torch, hardwood floors in 3 rooms, nice bath and electric fixtures, nice ele- rated lot, 50x150; price $4,750, cash, balance to T.

J. i'hristian, with D. F. Fairclotb, 619 19th Ihone Ensiey WOODLAWN PLAINS-MJ room new bungalow 49ftS 13th Ave. N.

Price $10 per month. Or will sell $100 cash. $40 per month. Aimly 206 1st National Bank Bldg. Main 4630.

'MOVING 77 A itG lt light brown male bulldog, tail and ears cut. weight about 60 pounds, left car on 6th Ave. and 2Cth St. about one month ago. $50 reward for return or any information of the dog.

This reward would buy half doxen like him but he is my dog and I want him. Cali Main 4391. Mr. Graves. ixKJ fst, Wednesday night, blue tick hound, name on collar.

I. W. Hooper. Phone Woodlawn 741-J and receive reward. 12T11 A 3219 Nice room and bard, on car line; modern conveniences.

Ileui- um 832-W. EAST OF 20Tll ST. Beautiful room, pleasant surrounding, in private home, board if de- aired, garage. Main C918-I2. 20TH 1212 Nicely furnished ro-jms and gd meals; reasonable; all convenience; Mr.

Stevenson. Main 2178. SALESMAN- Married man; must be able to atart to work at once; give references and phone. Address B-69. care News.

ALLISONv COAL TRANSFER CO Be sure you get the man you want to move you; call now; move for less. Woodlawn 1600. HORSES, CATTLE, VEHiCLES 48 COW For bale, a good Jersey milch cow. can be seen at Pll 4th West End; must sell at once; no reasonable offer refused. SALESMEN the foremost direct selling organization in the South has openings for two clean cut, well dfeascl aales-representatives to take orders for Christmas bnaineas.

If you are willing to work eight hours per day, we can offer IH)G Strayed from 1212 N. 17th small female setter puppy, white with brown left ear. Hemlock 1533-J 1081. WALNUT HILL-Just completed modern bunp galow, faces east, corner lot. Six iaffce rooms and breakfast room.

Tile bath, built-in features, hardwood floors throughout. Garage. Light car considered. Owner, Main EST END if you are looking for a well-built new bungalow at an attractive price. tjill AVest End 230-W' for further informs-' 81 S.

2 1ST 12.11 Lnely bedroom in bachelor apartment. Modern i.enlenhes, With board. ASH ST 1205 Downtown, steam heated room on first floor. Call Main 4334. CLOSE IN -1701 6tli Ave.

room and Iniard 7 week, modern. Vi block post office. Main 860S-J. GLASSES Lost; In front of Temple Theater or on Norwood car jeir shell spring glasses. Cali Hemlock 55.

COWS See us for the best Tennessee Jersey cows at all times. Southern Cattle Main U5b. S. 19TH 010- Well furnished room and small unfurnished apartment, convenient Iocs men or business couple. N.

2 1ST 11143 large connecting rfMjms. private bath, in home 2 adults; renting for company. Hemlock 1702-W. 23RD 323 Large room with kitchenette, furnished complete for light housekeeping with gas stove. Main 934.

1473 large adjoining room sink in kitchen, light, water and phone furnished for $29. Woodlawn 383-W I 1401 NOLAN AVE. -2 nicely furnished rooms, sink In kitchen; reasonable 1 block of Fountain Heights car. 1401 Nolan Ave. 1515 HflII S.

Lower floor owner's home; 5 rooms and den; sink iu kitchen and back porch; water and phone furnished, $4V Bains Realty Main 3239. EAST LAKE 7208 Slots' Ave. 2 or 3 large unfurnished rooms. Newly papered, convenient to bath. Woodlawn 002-J.

ELY TON 120 1st N. 3 large unfurnished rooms. Block of school. On car line. All conveniences.

Reasonable. Matn 8658-J. FAIR VIEW 3 nice unfurnished front rooms, water and lights furnished, all conveniences, $20 month. 2033 Pleasant Ave. Ensiey 631.

FOUNTAIN HEIGHTS 1215 18th N. 4-room apartment; nicely furnished. Modem home. Heat, lights and garage. Reasonable.

Adults. Hemlock 1658-J after 6 p. m. FIVE POINTS DISTRICT 1631 12th 8.. one large room aud kitchenette, furnished or unfurnished; furnace heat.

Main 2346. FAIRVIEW 2 nicely furnished room, all con vcnlence. Phone Ensiey 1856-W. FAl RVIEW 2 unfurnished rooms, sink and pantry in kitchen. Private entrance.

Phone Ave. 2000 HUMBOLT AVE. 2 furnished upstairs rooms and 2 furnished room aud kitchenette downstairs. Walking distance town. Mam 2418.

LORRAINE APTS 1722 5th 2 or 3 roins for housekeeping, steam heated large room in rear MiltgIe for storage or work simp. Main 6157. Mrs. McClure. NORTH HIGHLANDS 1530 17th 8t 3 un furnished rooms, private entrauce, connecting hath, sink In kitchen, lights, water and phne furnished; block Acipco cur Une, Horn lock 1556-W.

NORTH BUOl INGHAM 3 unfurnished rooms. Private entrance. Lights and water fur rushed. $22.50. 2408- N.

36th Ave. NflHRTH HIGHIANBS- 3 extra large rooms, sink in kitchen, partly furnished or unfurnished; reception hall. lights, water, phone; price. $25. 1329 N.

18th 8t. NORTH HIGHLANDS 1327 Ina St. 2 fur WANTED TO RENT OUR BUSINESS Ia increasing. There must be a rea son. Avail yourself of our efficient service, and see the difference.


318 N. 21 ST ST. MAIN 810-3054 you a permanent connection with earnings that will satisfy you. Apply, with references, 296-7 Real Estate 20SMi N. 21st St.

BING IkOSt, onyx ring with diamond, on Southslde; finder cal! Main 7631-J; liberal reward. fJSRPIUBE, A NOV. 1 Special. M- rry Needles Club held a raeet-Thurs Jay titernocn at the home of jt. Fleming.

Needlework "'as Jjjef of the afternoon. Mrs. Colson was elected a member. A 0u'-. served by the hostess.

IWalla Haley, of Haleyvillo, and Huey; of Atlanta, were guests. Y. P. U. entertained Friday ng at a Halloween party.

The v. Included a large number of lounger set, wore costumes of va- kinds. The Halloween Idea the decorations and games. Sjhn; were served. L.

k. Fleming was hostess to the ErC Tuesday afternoon, fgam Lasseter os leader presented ess chapter tin of the Short e. A character sketch was I a eh member. A short HORSJ58 2 horses, must be sold at once. See Mr.

Huff. 216 N. 16th St. FOREST PARK -Nicely furnished rom with private side porch; furnace heat, hot and cold water, connecting bath; meals. Main 2000 W.

SALESMEN Wanted, young salesman under 26. Clean cut, ambitious. Rare opportunity with large organization. Give telephone number for appointment. L-100, care News.

POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 49 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 01-IT CASE lxt on Montgomery Highway Friday afternoon, lady's suitcase; liberal reward. Phone Hemlock 1044-W. WATCH -Found gold wrist watch. Owner can have same by describing and paying for sd. 1020 18th Sr.

BUSINESS PROPERTY 82 INVESTMENT pflid carpet stolen from Third lresbytortan Church about Oct. 15. Phone Main S923-J. LOST at Lvric Thursday night double stone Marten neck piece. Call Main 8765-W Libera! reward for return.

AVE. CHICKENS 8 varieties of White Leghorns, Buff Orpington, and light Brama pullets, also young co*ckerels. Airs. J. U.

Dillard, Bessemer 363-J. LEGHORN'S SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORNS 2U0 choice yearling hens in best of condition; 1,500 extra fine pullets beginning to lay. Hundreds of selected co*ckerels and cook birds at special price. Write, for circular. ALABAMA LEGHORN FARMS PHONE ENSLEY 83 ENSLEY.

A I A. THE KNAFP COMPANY, of New York, lender in the manufacture of advertising art calendars, greeting cards, fans and art blotters. ha local territory open. A profitable connection Is offered a salesman, preferably one having specialty experience, to handle this line on a liberal commission basis; weekly settlements in full; bond required at Our expense; state your qualifications in writing to The Knapp 4th Ave. at 19rh New York.

N. Y. LKAltN barber trade: life scholarship, $40; tools $2i, hair cut 25c; shave 10c; work free rear room: students earn more than tuition at Davis Barber College, N. 2lt. BETWEEN 18TH AND 19TH STS VEST END--4 -room bungalow, 45x140 lot $550 cash, $30 month, including In 1 1-rest, ogle tree Realty Main 37.

WOOPIaVvN BARGAIN- New 6-room bun- sralow on nice ot 50x130. hardwood floors throughout. 4,900 on good term. Ind1, pemient ally Coj, 410 N. 21t 0317.

re- WOODLAWN By owner, 6-room house, rootl-ern conveniences tcuti 3 lots, 150x200. with fruit tree; together or separate. Woodlawn IF you are looking for a good buy in a homer see ua. II E. 103 N.

21t St. Main 4253. SEE us before buying your heme. We hav listings in all senion of the city. Chi f' cheater A Steiner Bldg.

Mam 8880. WE have, real bargains real estate i all sections of the city. See us. Estes R. E.

i Ins. (ft. 314 Woodward Bldg. Main 055-j $40 ASH And $40 monthly for 80 tnootiis buys nice 5 room bungalow. Grace Woodlawn.

C. I. Ebersole, 408 Auicricou'! 1rint Bldg. Main 7531. 5 I IF you are looking for property of any kind to buy or rent call J.

M. Clemmons Realty rrrr. Main LtESIKAUUS borne for sale In at at'Ction o( AUTOMOBILES FIVE POINTS Nicely furnished room, with meals, continuous hot water, 1210 S. 20th St. Main 7024-J.

HIGHLAND AVE 2733 Nice room and board, furnace heat, $35 per month. Ihone Main 01 S3. 51 A RG A RET APTS. Nice single room for one gentlemen: hot water, steam heat: good meals reference. Main 7482.

NORWOOD 3831 12th Ave. N. nicely fur nished front room in modern home, llem- lock 448-J. NORWOOD Jue single room to gentlemcqj meals; with lavatory and connecting bath; very reasonable. Cali Hemlock NORWOOD Select fumishfsi roiis.

modern h'me, with or without meal. 1310 N. 26th St. NORWOOD Room and board Tor 2 busines teople people; all convenience. 1103 N.

28th St. Hemlock 1235-L2. NORWOOD-To gentlemen or business couple and furnished or unfurnished room; breakfast if desired. Hemlock 1288-W. 50x140 FEET BIRMINGHAM NEWS 5SIFIED ADVERTISING AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 11 BliiCK SIX Touring; good tires and runs good.

$15. Drennen Motor Car Ave. and 20th St. Main 5001. 20 FEET of 5 foot poultry wire.

30u-capkcity Buckeye brooder, hole digger, for sale. Call Enaley 1065 W. IN THE HEART OF THE SOUTH HELP WANTED iNSTRCTN 33A CHEVROLET See us for used Chevrolets at the lowest prtees. EJd wards Motor 1620 3rd Ave. Main 4645.

SIDE ACTIVITY, ABSOl.T TELY BARBER! NG Taught quickly. Moler graduates always busy; big pay. Write Moler Barber College, 23 N. Forsyth Atlanta. WANTE LIVE STOCK 50 BEEF COWS Veal calves, jugs and hogs; we pay the highest prices.

Ajam 4830. 1,. Klei ger. 1602 6th N. conductoral white 1.

x- CHE It 0 LET 1923 touring good eond i ion for anything of equal value. 805 10th or call Main 5683 W. SURE OF A $2,500 TO A $3,000 EN penence unnecessary. We train you. Snd for lxok of roles and application, Supt.

Railway Exchange, Sta. Is Angeles. MERCHANDISE HANCEMENT WITHIN THE NEXT the city. Coll Parish Jk Byrd, 120 N. Stfr St.

Main 2574. i CADILLAC Club rfiarMcr. 1019 model, finf shape, all ronnd. Car inaured, license paid. $275.

Must sell. Woodlawn 1005-L3. 4700 1st Ave. NORWOOD Wanted a few table hoarders he neighborhood, jyvift. 1400 N.

Rooms and garages in the neighborhood. Hemlock 201. Mrs. Minimum Chars 54c. trp uid single column a da only allowed liifird aaurtialng.

NEWS reserve the right to reject or rerlst leertiwnwnts at it option, fc ISenb will not be responsible "wripn cal error appearing in elaeeified advents other than re-run fre or charge. JjSE BATE FOB EACH INSERTION u(r line 18c consecutlrely. per line 17o couaecuiirely, per line 16o coiwr Un0 15c Confiefutively. per line 14o are restricted to their proper aflcn correct Indexing and the gUmlardixed T-g ghuwn in the ad atyle sheen All ordera tmiMnue hiin must writing. The News iMMuionalble for errors after the fust UiaerUou CLOSING HOUJXB must be in The News tietore o'vioek of the day of week-day Sunday advertising copy must be in lice bet ore p.

ux on Saturday. Tele- derb before 1 P. m. ARTICLES FOR SALE 30th St. 51 FEW DAYS.

85 LOTS FOR SALE ARMY GOODS Lowest prices on army teuts tarpaulins, blankets, clothing, harness. Ala bam a Mercantile Oo 2321 2nd N. EARN money at home; you can earn $1 to $2 an hour in your spare time writing show cards. No canvassing. We instruct you by our new simple directograph system, supply you with work and pay you cash each week.

Write today for full particulars and free booklet. West-Angue Show Card Service, Limited, 301 Colborne Toronto, Canada. CENTRAL PARK HIGHLANDS Lot. teauti fully located, all conveniences including ga A bargain. Matn 6358.

T. L. CROSSMAN DODGE Touring, 1824 model, good tires, disc wheels, runs good, $850. McCarty Greene Motor used car 2017 Ave. C.

Main 5013. DODGE Delivery car. Fair condition, express body, canopy top, screen sides, 5175. (i. M.

212 N. 22nd NORWOOD 1326 N. 26th St. Nice front room with board for 2 gentlemen. Steam heat; all copvenlem OWENT ON -W anted, business couple, or young men to boat'd, 2 meals a day; convenient to 2 car lines.

West End 310-J. 2109 1ST AV E. MAIN 457 AMMONIA PIPE--About 400 ft. 2-inch am monia pipe with return bends aud fittings. W.

H. VV heeler, 2305 1st Ave. or E. 1 AI len. 23 13 la Aye.

GUN SHELLS Smokeless powder, $1 per bo. W. S. Brown Meic. 2223 2nd Main 182.

IH1)GE BROTHERS We have some real bargains in good Dodge Brothers touring cars. Brownell Auto 2113 Ave. C. FREE ROOM RENTING BUREAU ANNOUNCEMENTS ALL men, women, boys. girl-.

17 to 03, willing to accept government positions, (traveling or stationary), write Mr. Oz went. 202. St. Louis, lm rn ed lately.

COLORED Sleeping car and train jmrters, waiters; prepare for service; experience unnecessary. Send for book of rules. Transpor-tation Dept. 890, 8ta. Los Angeles.

GBEmD See Greenwood Place. Then H. Thtire. 009 Farley. Mata 741.

i aHUani CITY Ltc In dtffmot submit vision. $10 per month. No interest. R. F.

Widemah with A J. Odom, office Tarraiff City, opposite bank. LOTS and acreage tract in the new Country Club Ulajrlot. Joe U. McDavid 509 Aim rica Trust.

Main 1U02. REAL ESTATE FOR EXC'NGeJ8 FARM Dandy fartu. overflowing well. Colon; bun, for city real estate, auto or other personal property. Dougla.

210 Title Bldg. Main 22. SUITS AND OVERCOATS Over 400 suits and overcoats at $15. Good weights and mod els. Best value iu the city.

Marc Link. HM1 1st Ave. PERSONALS FORDS See us for good Ford cars. Very easy terms. McConnell Motor 7th Ave.

and N. 26th St. FORD 1-ton truck; good values at $175. Terms If desirel. G.

M. 212 S. 22nd 8t. ERCOAT8 I am showing the units and overcoats in the city. All laV- models.

1 save you 1 10. Alarc lull JM Ave. TWO furnace, suitable for five or ix room house, estimate free, Birmingham Tin Shop, 100 N. 24th St. Main 6150.

HELP MALE OR FEMALE 84 FORD 1925 model. 4-door Ford sedan: used 2 months; will sell or trade for coupe. Call Hemlock 1535-W. EARN $25 weekly mailing circulars, copying names in spare time. Write Clarence E.

Magee, Rockymount, N. C. DAVID R. E. INS.


A Real Bargain At My Price. It Should Re-sell At Once For A Big Profit. GHO. 0. MABRY R.

E. 206-7 FARLEY BLDG. PHONE MAIN 2572. riUSI 8 ESS PERSONALS 9A rTvTToi'BKCOATS Hplendld ll-wool i overewt. Good weights and St $19.

I sve you Jit). Jlarc V. nil! I-' -Ml G. M. C.

lVi truck, thoroughly pneumatic tires, platform body or chassis. G. M. 212 22nd 8. G.

M. C. 2-ton truck; excellent condition, platform body, good tires. Price and terms reasonable. (L 51.

212 8. 22nd St. nished rooms to couple. Phone, lights, and water furnished. NORTH HIGH LANDS 1531 Alien Street.

2 unfurnished rooms fur rent, lights, heat a cold water: all night care. NO 00D 1031 N. 34th St. 3 unfurnished rooms, fiantrj and sink in kitchen. Mock of Boyles and Norwood cars.

Hemlock lflOO-W. NORWOOD 2 unfurnished upetaira rooms. Sink, large bark porch. To couple without children 1305 26th N. Hemlock 152 NORWOOD, 1422 N.

24TH ST. 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms to couple without children: all convenience. Hemlock 1424 KT 1 1 SIDE -1222 N. 21st 3 connecting rooms and kitchenette, with sink, iu modern private home; private entrance. Hem- lock 1330.1.

8QUTH HIGHLANDS -Two room with prf-tate bath completely furnUhed for house-keeping; heat, water, lights and phone furnished; owner hovue; no children. Phone tin 8802. SOUTH HIGHLANDS S. 10th 1526 Furnished in mahogany, room and kitchenette: sink, furnace heat; modern, reasonable. Matn 7780 W.

SOUTH81PB 2-room ainrtmrot. downstairs, next to tm th. hot and cold water. Complete ly furnished. Furnace heat, light, sink.

MiHn 1833. SOUTHSlbE FurnUhed btdroon with or without kitchenette, steam heat, on car line. Main 3552. SOUTHSIDE -2 furnished, connecting rooms also furnished bedroom to gentlemen or business couple: garage: Main 2019-W. SOUTHSIDE 4 lovely unfurnUbed roqint near school, delightful surroundlug: furnace, cellar, laundry and garage.

Main 64L.W. WKST or 3 furnished room near car Une. 1307 Trinceton Ave. West End 586-U. WEST END- 313 N.

Poplar. 3 lovely cou necting unfurnished rooms, sink, motlern convenience: adjoining bath bp1 pnrche. WkSt KNT 2 large connecting unfurnished room, light, water, phone fu'Qtsed; rage if deslrH; no children. 820 nrincetou Ave-. West BPd $00-W.

WKS'i END- -11 13 Tuscaloosa 2 or 3 un furnished rooms, sink. in kitchen; references. Veaf Kwa 887-L2. fmuiahcil WOODLAWN-r-MHO 2nd The Birmingham News maintains a free room renting bureau for the accommodation of its advertisers and those who are seeking rooms. If you are looking for rooms, and do not see what you want described in these column, then come to our office, where you will find a list of rooms in practkally all sections of the city, with all desired information us to location, price, etc.

This service is b.Holutely free, and The News is more than glad Ao have you use it. For rooms in Ensiey and Bessemer district call at Ensiey office, 4M PJth Ensiey, and Bessemer office, 117 2nd Bessemer, respectively. If you have a room for ren you should list it with our Room Kent ing Bureau. The tervltt is free to advertisers, sod has proved itself or great value in tbe securing of desirable tenants. For further information BUSINESS EQUIPMENT 52 BARBER EQUIPMENT Ora 3 chairs Koken combination case, one lavatory, one hollow wire water beater, one Moore Electric cHp-per; a bargain for cash 7625 1st Ave COFFEE MILL Motor and gravity weighing scales, excellent condition.

See Mr. Hrb- lin; 310 N. 24th St. DAYTON SCALE CO. 327 N.

18th St. Main 4310. Scales, inert choppers, bacon lictTs, cheese cutters, lirehd alu-er. (gjffee ihill. DICTAPHONES Why sacrii Ice your luicftineu? We rebuild them like new.

Call us lor quick service. Dictating Machines Sale 2403 3rd Ave. Main 3657. nTisiltY'-for ladles who suffer death, vrsr: results In 3 hours, 6 weeks $3.50. Bend for proof, fi rmra Mitchell, demonstrator Paxton -registered U.

S. Patent Office. Box 1485. 310 N. M--tnid floor, Birmingham.

Ala. SALESMEN AND AGENTS 35 SALESMEN 4 well-dressed young men: must be good salesmen; at a straight salary. M37 N. 42nd St. AN OPPO RTU IT Offered to" a man experienced iu direct to consumer selling, on commission basis, by Loveman, Joseph A Loeb.

Applicant must be able to furnish local references. Apply by letter to Dept. 78, employment office, Loveman. Joseph loeb. USED CARS At best prices.

Call for demonstration. Pryor Motor Usel Car 22(S Ave. K. USED CAIts -Of aiiuost every make, all in good condition. The prices are right.

Crus Crawford Mfg. 2200 Ave. Innik-STM. BEAUTY PARLOR, 408H 'm rb USED CARS If you want a good used car. backed by voars of experience, see ug at once.

Packard Motor of Alabama. SITUT'NS WNTED FEMALE 36 A REAL BUY ON THIRD AVE. TRUCK For sale, l1-ton Graham Brothers rock, 1023 mode). Phone Main 4350 W. WANTED REAL ESTATE 89 ENSLEY HIGHLANDS Have dteut ivantlni 5-room house on Knaley Highland; aiut have gas ami be near car line; will twt pafi over $0,000.

Call W. B. Tiunapson, Ensiey 456. HOMES -Wanted, list your property fur ai with ua; we have customers wanting home th all parts of the city. Members of He Multiple Listing yteu.

Montguaiery Real Estate Insurance Heal is, 210 N. 21st St. Main 1506. WILL rii tislite pr rcitlential development dditlon of ham. Joel F.

Webb, attorney 1st Bank Bldg. Wli.i. Mous and build id incut on vacant property inalre 'cure oriap hfeadv income. P. O.

Itox 1683. SEE u. cither to buy. sell or Is uf mediate results. Junes Valley R.

GA 22 Age -Hera hi nidg Liin IF you want to miy or well a Imw orjot. call Under Re. By 000 Fir Bank o.dg- Ma 6 wM' FOU quick icsu ts it-sf Mr i Shook A his. iib 'II. Real! ml ranee.

IP4 N. 21st St. Main tL. j--1. 1.

'ft your propori mi' Muin TITLES to lot ni TITLE TRUCK Light delivery Ford truck. Bargain for quick ale 712 8. 30th St. sny of these sds, Viiri- h.v writing 'r in a personal in- A lot 50x150 on r.rd Arc next to me of the new office building. Thi I without a doubt one of ihe bst Investment In the entire city.

For quick return on your Investment 1 know of no better opportunity. Price $55,000 with terms. CASHIER AND WAITRESS Experienced, desires work at once; references. Main 1903 -J. Mias THOROUGHLY competent office assistant with 5 years experience wants a permanent place In office.

Can give beat references. Address 69, care News. YOU Nil lady general office and file clerk. 7 years experience; can furnish best of refer-ences. Call Mnin 4Q1H-W.

SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 37 14 auto accessories i kindly state that you saw the fvi in The Birmingham will "i mediately identify qiiallty reader. STATIONERY1--Office equipment aud supplies. Zac Smith Stationery 2018 1st Ave, Main 431 4o2. TOLEDO SCALES No springs, cash registers, Ice boxes, butcher choppers, iroq ufe, show cases. Southern Store Fixture 2021 5fh N.

Main 3128. ONE 0-column Wales adding machine with electric motor; good condition; reasonable. Man 5722. ONE No. f-A Hoffman prowier and Ixiiler; used less than one year; good condition; reasonable.

Main 3722, SUUTTIE MFG. CO. Market coolers, grocery boxes, freexer counters, display cases, 527 N. IMli St. Main 4310.

BUILDING MATERIALS 54 PHONE MAIN 4110 BESSEMER 13 4 OR ENSLEY ROOM RENTING BUREAU THE BIRMINGHAM NEWS (Copyright, December. 1022. ny The Birmingham News.) thP bf' 11 ii 0 f) A CALL BOB BELL-MAIN .1080 WALK NORTH BIRMINGHAM. ALA. TIRES Goodrich Sllvertown cord tires.

5Ias lrs Tire 309 8. got li St. Main 6208. AUTO PARI Largest stock of parts In South for moat any make or model: new gears, axle springs, 20 to 8 per cent off list. GREENBERG AUTO WRECKING GO.

12T1I ST. AM 3RD N. MAIN 1245 ENGINEER-Experienced tranaltmnn. civil engineer draftsman avajlatile for immediate connection, references ami samples furnished. P.

O. angle, Pensacola, Fla. Ad 8 A LEHMAN and collector with Ford 1 roadster, making change today. Call Main 6253 for interview. the! room, lights, heat, water, phone.

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The Birmingham News from Birmingham, Alabama (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.