Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)

9, 1935 'ALTON EVENING TELEGP PR THREE MAY The salaries of some a of the teachCarlinville Grade an ers given were small to Increase all. raised of increase the to live $90 regular was percent made month teachers. in was and the School Teachers' A The salary salaries. of superintendent H. Pay Is Increased J.

three contract Blue years. has i be been unchanged, extended but for his tax levy, resolution WAS Contract adopted for the ensuing year, Superintendent's for Three CARLINVILLE, Probation. William BrimIs berry, Edward Brimberry, and 3 Years Harris, all of Carlinville, pleaded: guilty to charges of burgMay- for 9-(Special) cult lary and court larceny. and asked for in probation. Wednesday.

Cir-The 79 education Tuesday evening investigating officer. was apCARLINVILLE, School District contracts to teachers pointed to to the Licensed court. offered of the past year for Couple and Janitors CARLINVILLE, May the coming year. SHE BEST Deserves the 2 Pairs for $1.50 on Mother's Day SUNDAY MAY 12th And Here's A Gift She Find Welcome Salle's Sheer Ringless or Service Weight HOSIERY Exquisitely Lovely! All Full Fashioned! Silk From Top to Toe! All Flawlessly Clear! Free from shadows perfect in every respect here are hose that will prove thoughtful gifts for Mother! Sheer or service weights in a wide selection of favorite shades to please Her particular fancy. Sapor'5 -County Clery Peter J.

Caveny has issued marriago licenses to the following! Charles Winslade, 21, of Brightton, Miss Lena Mae Gill, 18, of Brighton. 'Elmer Meier, 22, of Mt. Olive, Miss Minnie Boston, 22, of Mt. Olive. CARL Mrs.

Hunter, Buried. services for Mrs. Mary Ellen Davis Hunter were: conducted Wednesday afternoon at the Riofenberg funeral home by the Rev. Shanks, pastor of the First Baptist. Church.

A hymn was sung by Olarence Graham. Pallbearers were Gordon Snyder, William Chilton, Henry Florl, August Wetzel, Robert Wiggins, and' Clarence Rasor, Interment was in City cemetery. 4-H Lamb Show. CARLINVILLE. At.

a recent meeting of the "108" 4-H Club the members discussed a lamb show, a livestock judging contest; and the 4-H Club tour which is a trip to the University of Illinois. Short talks were given by Byron Bates, Clarence Rosentreter, Howard Burleson and Lloyd Fenton, Refreshments were served by the parents of four members. The next meeting will be' held June 3. Carlinville Notes. CARLINVILLE.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Furlong of Chicago are visiting. Mia, Furlong's mother, Mrs. W.

Castle. Jerre Blaeuer has' 'recovered from recent Illness. Mr. and. Mrs, H.

A. Secor have returned from A visit with their daughter, Mrs. Glen Lawrence, in Chicago. Miss Stella Hart is visiting friends in St. Louis.

Mrs, Jacob Young is visiting in Edwardsville with her son, Emil Young. Mrs. Victor Wiese, Mrs. John F. Novak, and Mrs.

B. C. Baldridge entertained the Macoupin and Montgomery county salons of the 8. 40 Wednesday in the annex of the town grill. Mrs.

Oren Murray, who has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. A. O. Brown, has returned to her home In Denver. Miss Clare Hoch, Mrs.

Ralph Wheeler, Mrs. C. J. Lumpkin, Mrs. George Reid, and Mrs.

Victor Hemphill attended the district meeting of the Woman's Club in Auburn Wednesday. Mrs. Chester Miller, Mrs. Arthur E. R.

Turnbull attended the district Boyle, Miss Nell Johnson, and Mrs. meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Church at Glenarm, Wednesday. Atabrine is more effective in the treatment of malaria than quinine, according to recent discoveries. KILLS RATS and ROACHES Pled Piper really does the Job and remember they. leave no odor.

SANDERS DRUG STORE Broadway and Market EASY TERMS! NO DELAYS! TERMS TO SUIT YOURSELF! Spring Sale (MONEY DOWN In select to what you need car. show Just your It's in tune with the and an cosy way for you equip your come BUDGET Use Our PAY Original PLAN Silveriow make license Install Investigations the or certificate easy deliver or terms for delays. at you once identification waste no We and long will HE CAUSES, GOODRICH Famous TIRES Prevents RESISTS Blow GOLDEN On the Goodrich GOODRICH BATTERIES eats spells quality and satisfaction -Goodrich Safety with the safer high Golden -speed proved out three times tich Electro- Pak Battery blow built heavy Good- and PROOFI rusted longer life and quicker starting of Last every your 100 97 out plenty of reserve power for extra tomere accessories. plated their and EASY TERMS our about Ther's requirements 9 minutes proof! credit in TO' SUIT YOU TUNK IN ON Circus Night I In Silvertown Starring JOE COOK A. SOLVE -Many GOODRICH SILVERTOWN ORCHESTRA Piber Great Features Sa This7-RING CIRCUS FRIDAY OF.

THE AIR YOUR NIGHT NDO Bad Network, CREDIT 1925 MOTOBOLA Motorola streamline AUTO models RADIO IS GOOD fan, warts rich pint tone with HERE Goodrich Silvertown Stores $04 Belle St. E. BELL, Mgr. Phone 822 Never Day School Roger Baker, 10, a pupil of Rufus Easton School, son of Me and Mrs. 8am Baker of Hawley, avenue, has about recovered from a nose injury which occurred: ball two on Weeks the school ago.

grounds his nose came Into contact While playing with the head of, schoolmate, both boys going at full speed when they collided. Arthough Roger. suffered broken nose as a result: of the collision, he never, missed attending school. Busy Meeting At the May meeting of the Gleaners class of Elm Street Presbyterlan Church, Wednesday afternoon, at the of Mrs. Ollfford Hand on Belle street, the members transacted a large amount of bustness and planned for future activities in connection with the work of the Reports were made as to the success of: the luncheons given the past month.

Another o'clock luncheon was held in the church basem*nt, sponsored a group of members of the It WAS undecided to where the June. meeting will held. At the close or the session, light refreshments were' served by Mrs, Hand, Next Thursday the Gleaners will meet in the morning at the Elm Street church, where they will put in the day cleaning the auditorium, preparatory to the installation of a pipe organ. A pot-luck dinner will be served. $5000 For Improvements The large storeroom bullding, Just west of the North Side Service Station, at the intersection of State street and West Delmar avenue, erected several years ago.

by Fred Smith, and recently used as garage and repair shop, is undergoing extensive. dollars is Improvements. being spent Five in converting the building Into a cooling storage headquarters, according to Gus Strulf, who recently moved to this part of town, and who is connected with the enterprise. "The Scarecrow Creeps A mystery comedy drama, "The Scarecrow Creeps," in three acts, will be given Friday evening at 7:45 in the basem*nt of Elm Street Presbyterian Church, sponsored by the North Side Junior Brotherhood and presented by the Lancaster Drama Players. The cast includes Miss Lyna Joesting, Miss Rhea Grant, Miss Mary Cornelius, Miss Anna Reed, Mrs.

Geneva McCoy, Everett Green, Robert Miller, Oscar Daubman, Royal Baird and the Rev. Earl Peterson. Mrs. Wolf Entertains Hostess to members the Happy Ladles Club, Mrs. Charles Wolf entertained Wednesday afternoon at her home on State street.

Bunco was the afternoon's diversion, with favors being awarded Mrs. James Girard, Mrs. A. Trendley, Mrs. Henry Molloy and Mrs.

Wolf. Concluding the afternoon's entertainment, Mrs. Wolf served refreshments. In two weeks the of members Mrs. Olyde will meet at the home Sunderland on State street.

Game Cancelled Because of wet grounds, Olayton Nelle Geer Achieves Scholarship Honor North Alton News Krug, manager of the North Bide Brotherhood softball team, received word Wednesday afternoon that the opening game of the Y. M. O. A. Softball League had been called off.

The game was scheduled for Wednesday evening on Henry street mond. However, the contest will be played next Wednesday evening. Personals Robert, eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Callahan, of North State street, who has been 111, has recovered and returned to school. Disappointment was strewn along the way when Vincent Mullen of State street, alderman of the Second ward, arrived home Tuesday evening from a.

fishing trip west of Hop Hollow, what: he supposed were two large. spoonbill catfish. Instead they were two "billy" gars, good for riothing. He was the victim of a "kidding," but says he has learned something about fish that he never knew before. James Campbell of Flora.

avenue, Delmar Heights, ill for four weeks, a arthritis, has shown no Improvement. Most of the time he 1s forced to remain in bed, the malady causing him much pain. Earl Fleming of West Delmar avenue has returned to school after a protracted Illness. Miss Lizzie Davis of West Elm street, who broke her arm several weeks ago, is reported as getting along satisfactorily, but is forced to have the fractured arm in a sling. Lucille Steiner of Greenwood lane hAs recovered from attack of tonsilitis and returned to school.

Charles Wade of St. Louis was a Wednesday visitor at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Greeling, of West Elm street. AugustSchoppman Put On Macoupin Board of Review Chairman Weller of County Board, Henry Noel Other Members CARLINVILLE, May 9-(Special) -August Schoppman of Benid has been appointed by Judge E.

D. George to serve two years on the board of review. Other county members of the board of review are Noell, holdover member, and B. Weller, chairman of the board of supervistors, ex-officio chairman of the review body, Seven million people were made homeless and approximately 000 lost their lives during the 1931 flood in China. TERMITES Heed the warning of Swarmers (Flying Ants) Call MAIN Now 679 FREE J.

J. Wuellner Son 101 Oak Alton, Ill. Bonded Guaranteed. Service--Representing Bruce Terminix, Inc. TREAT MOTHER AND THE FAMILY TO ICE CREAM SPECIAL THIS WEEK FROZEN PUDDING Phone 1166 CALL US AND WHEN SCHOOL HAVING SOCIALS BLOCK'S ICE CREAM 212 W.

3rd 8T. 2518 COLLEGE AVE. BROWN Furniture Upholstering Co. Please Pardon Us For Boasting! In Alton but three weeks and already. doing an overwhelming business which surprises even us.

here to stay and destined to grow-Backed by more than 25 years experience in 8t. Louis. WORK IS UNSURPASSED, 'OUR REPUTATION DEPENDS ON SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. Custom Built Furniture. Upholstering.

Refinishing and Repairs. Tallor Made Slip Covers. Mattresses and Pillows Renovated. Cabinet Work. Why Buy New Furniture When It Costs So Little To Renew Your Old! Phone.

Us NOW and Let Us Estimate How Little It Does 101 W. 9th St. Main 409 NO DOWN PAYMENT 15 Miss Nell. Randall Gere of 1904 Main street, a student at University of Illinois, will be officially honored at 10 o'clock Friday mornIng by the university for her excellence in scholarship, at exercises to be held university auditorium. Prof.

Frank A. Fetter; vissting professor from Princeton University, will deliver the address. Forty-one seniors, 14 more than a year ago, will be epecially honored by having their names inscribed on the Bronze tablet for sustained excellence in scholarship during both their junior and senior years. In addition to the Bronze Tablet group, the University Senate rules provide that students whose grades are among the upper 3 percent of the sophom*ore, junior, and senior classes shall be awarded college honors in recognition of their superior scholarship and shall be entitled to wear the scholarship emblem. Students in the upper 10 percent of each class whose grades are or better are awarded class honors and entitled to have their names printed on the convocation program.

Chesterfield Society Year's Program CHESTERFIELD, May 9-(Spcclal) -A committee meeting WAS held at the home of Mrs. F. A. Buckholz Wednesday to make the year's programs for the United Aid Society, Mrs, Rigsby, president, appointed Mrs. B.

Leach man to take the place of Mrs. R. R. Turner, who was unable to assume that duty on account of the illness of her daughter. CHESTERFIELD The Royal Neighbors will meet Saturday attornoon at the lodge rooms.

W. E. Duckels of Louis 18 spending the week here with his family, Miss Melba Marko, R. of CarInville is caring for Margaret Turnor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

R. R. Turner, who is seriously 111 of pneumonia. Albert Sawtell suffered a heart attack at his home Tuesday night. Mr.

and Mrs. William Rigsby entortained the Tuesday night bridge club at their home. Mrs. D. A.

Rigsby and sons are visiting in Alton at the home of reJatives. Massachusetts Bank Robbed of $18.000 WORCESTER, May 9, (P) -Three armed men held up the branch bank of the Worcester county inatitute for savings today And escaped in an automobile with about 'in asah. The bank is about three miles north of the city propor. an English soaport, where the tide levels sometimes change much 'as 80 foot, an Inventor obtains from: 30 to 950 power by capturing the water in tanks and wing Its tall to operate turbi Our Meter-ice Plan makes dowa payments unnecessary. Just come in and I select the model you wants It will be delivered to your home with Mrtle bank-like, device called Meter-Ice attached: Then you simply drop Meter-Ice the required number of pickels and dimes each dayonly 1 5c for the Frigidaire Standard Model 4-35: Once each month our reproseacative calla, collects the money and credits your accouns.

Whea the amount collected equals the purchase price, Meter-Ice is removed and Frigidaire in yours, 0 WITH THE FAMOUS 35 SURE The Super Freezer makes possible a Complete Refrigeration Service: he provides the right klads of cold for every purpose -all do the same cabinet; There's fast freezing for making ice cubes and desserts; frozen storage for meats and ice cream; extra cold storage for keeping a reserve Model Standard 4-35 ply of ice cubes; moist storage normal for Frigidaire Model Standard 4-35: cubes. 8.4 square This Frigid. of trol, Super Automatic Freezer, Reset Defrosting, Hydrator, Interior storage for foods requiring dry, feet Automatic Ice Tray Release, Cold vegetables and fruits; and shelf apace -freezes for 41 oaly largo 15c a day. Equipped with Light. Daily payments on other models slightly bigbas: frosty colds ice airs can be bought COME IN AND SEE THEM TODAY REFRIGERATION CO.

BAILEY Yours HOME APPLIANCE DEPT. 200 E. Broadway Main Floor A.

Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.