Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)

Scouts SjE To Open RIVER, Mton-Wood committee raising events. in charge'of pub- Che kitchen 1 completed, and Jng decorated this the women at the Little'Sou etflunilture, tables itiil needed and the iscouw-, jwe. making a plea for aid. To Meet Of All Stuidents WOOD RIVER, Sept. unity of the school and the home will be attempted in 'District, 104 this year, according to "plans 'presented to the teachers by Superintendent a.

A. Smith this weekj.Thfi matter had received previous attention to the first held by the superintendent "with" the' principals prior to school. Each been requested to meet all of the' 'parents represented by children, her room at some time during XtyS irsj; semester. Tte purpose of these home visits is for the teacher to become personally acquainted with the parents, by such to learn more of the habits of the children stnicte, At the same time she will to discuss the of pupils more have an.op] school Intimately wll hi visits exchange of fr! each' ote of the- individual gress and problems' of each child. 'This plan Is not a radical, departure from school procedure as the superintendent, apd have been studying the successful use of it in' a number, of larger school systems tor more than Uireeyears, it was It has been used on an experimental Scale by a number ot the local teftchers during the put'year or two.

Visiting already has been started by most of the teachers, and, -while it will be Impossible'to call on all of the homes simultaneously, sooner or later every one will be included. Miss Skinner Entertains Miss Lucille Skinner entertained her bridge club at her Jnome at 614 Tuesday night. Prizes were awardedto Miss sa Jones and Miss 'Susan Kehne. Refreshments were the Paas Second Ettuttilnatltm 5 ten Hompel street- arid Bichttra McDonald of Hop Hollow road are awaiting word 'from in St. Louis as to their next move, in joining uncle Sam's; Navy and eelng the world.

Both young men massed the second examination in St. Louis Wednesday. 1 A'week' ago they completed the' pwllmlnaly 'Fond of adventure and warider- ust McDonald" and ten Hompel hope fory tratowg soon. According to officials at the St. Louis 'recruiting headquarters might be eOme time before they ll be report'at-sbme told ves in readlness.

i tt -f Welner Boast A group of young people held a welner roast at the Canal south of town Wednesday night, honoring Miss seleste Bergener -of Oak Park, left this morning after having spent the week here Study Contract Bridge Mrs. Walter Stark Tsas'hostess to of her club at fcer home vTwsday night. No prizes were awwded, the Men are studying the playing of wact. Refreshments were served the hostess. Wood River WOOD RIVER-TUe 'jfcfK.

"ewng, pastor of the has returned a presbytery meeting The Rev. and 'DeLong fre entertaining Mrs. I Wencl1 jNWren. Harriett, mile motor tjjp' Missouri, whew Ctton leld C' Mrs. visit.

are'ttoree'tfties of evidence which, were expected to prove of importance in state's-case Brunb R. Hauptmann in connection wth the Lindbergh At upper right are shown keg fqund In HftAiptmann's garage'' investigators said the nails Were marked like those in the ladder down which the Undbergh baby Was At upper left is the tin can containing the ransom money found at Hauptmann's home. Below is a-comparison of the handwriting on the ransom notes with specimens of Sauptman'l writing. Letters and 'figures which appear to be similar are pointed out by arrows. (AP Photo) North Alton News Hostess to members of thwHappy Ladles Olub7 Sunderland of State street entertained Wednesday Afternoon.

Bunco was ihe amusem*nt with awards being presented, to Walter- Hutohin- son, Maude Wolf and -Mrs. Pearl i Bailey, After the awarding of Mrs. Sunderland served re- reshmerits, The club members, will meet In jwo' weeks home of Mrs. Pearl Bailey on Flora avenue, Delmar Heights. Birth of Daughter Mr, and Mrs.

Lenus Kaus of Oerson addition are the birth of daughter, born Tuesday Mr. -Eaus Is the accommodating And popular meat cutter at -the, 'Tri-Clty Grocery Co. store on North State street, near Elm. Charivari Friends of Mr. and Mrs.

Cloyd Burrls, newly-weds, called at a residence on Belle street where the couple to staying, evening, and put a real old- fashioned charivari' A1wr several rounds of noise-making the members were given a treat, then finally dispersed. The wedding of Miss Charlotte yacjtle and Cloyd Burria'took place Saturday-evening City. Tlje bride was attended by Miss Seiilah swift, "and Ray' Swift was best man. After the ceremony the party returned' to the 'North Side. Loses Feet PfRope Clarence' Edwards of Alton-Jer- -road is at a 16ss.

1 to Jcnow what happened to wO' wet of rope used in 1 staking' out Mi cow. Instead of" home' every whenMw, brought' ihe cow -in for Mworw would unfasten the rope. The other, morning when he went to rppe Jbj4 ti IS'ifl firimght' his "cow' aUw, He jf of the the 'cow 'might also be missing, aoweVw, he the if of little -use to him unless he finds the missing rope. Coldi and Son The cold and sore demlo previ. part of continues i several have been forced time out'Jrom are absent from responsible for most the according doctors 'and druggists.

Personals and Mrs. Robert Lawrence left Wednesday for their home in Omaha, after a several' days') the home of his brother, Ralph Lawrence, of Alton-Jersey- They stopped-off here, euroute to Omaha, after spending, 'time "with relatives in Royal Center, ind. Miss Eva and Miss Stella Emons Marlssa are spending this week the home of their brother and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Walter Emons, on MCPherson street, dur- ing'the lattw's visit In Vincent Mullen of State street -from 'a severe jolt in the neck, the result of a- large hoot owl ip5tW a oiltomobile m6rninfr wiftte he traveling on Alton Jerseyville rbadi Fortunately he was accompanied by Ross Siglock of Madison.

aVenue, who grabbed the steering Wheel, when Mullen was knocked out for a few moments. Robert Hohlcell of State street, 8-year-old pupil of Cathedral School, has returned to his studies after a week's absence, the result 'of a fall from an apple tree near his home. At first It was thought his left leg was fractured, but exr aminatlon revealed nO broken bones. However, the member badly bruised, he being forced to use a cane as a means of added locomotion. Mrs.

L. Wright and children have returned to their home in Marion, after a visit with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Fields of Gerson addition. They also called at the Lurton' Stites home on Curvey street. Sylvester Sellier making Improvements to his residential property on West Delmar avenue.

and Mrs. oter Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Wylje Levall of Walter street and Mr. and Mrs.

Bert Gent of State street have returned after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Buck at Kankakee. Mrs. Buck Is a daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Gent, Farmers From 12 Counties Confer at Carlinville Meet is expected raised in 1935 were some ot the topics discussed; Prof, 0. 4 Hackleman, Lindsey, and Dr. Jordan bana, and Ernest rector of compliance on wheat corn-hog contracts from the tJnl Verslty of tUihoisi 1 Counties represented, Bond," Christian, Montgomery, CalhoUn, Jersey, Sangam'on, Madison, Morgan, Pike, and CARLINVILLE, Sept. "Outlook Conference for 1935" was held Wednesday afternoon In the Elks' Hall for farm advisors and allotment committees.

The meeting was held by representatives of the University of Illinois extension service at XJrbaria and representatives of AAA. Feed and seed outlook and the outlook for the number of livestock which Shivering with Chills Burning with Sftri RiH'f for Malaria! don changes IINOLC JOOorLESS I Home Bureau of 'st- fc Macpupinj to Meet Will Hear Health JBxpeirt at Aimual 1 SeaBibn tUJ Bept( Macoupin County Home completing plans for its fourth annual meeting'In the Elks' Hall, Oct. at 10 a. and lasting all day. Miss Brooks, health specialist from'the University of Illinois, will give an address on "Health After Forty" In the afternoon, In the morning reports will be given by members of the exectuive board 'and 'home advisor, on the year's work.

Those attending are to bring their lunches, and at noon will eat together. Coffee he-served. The nominating committee slating of Mrs. 'J. P.

Denby, Mrs. Alva and Mrs. Roy Bates will report, for the coming year will be announced. The outgoing officers are Mrs. Elmer Yowell, Mrs, J.

P. Denby, treasurer; Mrs. R. L. Homer, minor project Chairman; and Miss Bertha Shultz, Girls' 4-H Olub chairman.

Those to remain in office will be the chairman, secretary, major project chairman, recreation chairman, and publicity chairman. Macoupin Supervisors Plan Session Oct. 2 OARLINVILLE, Sept. Macoupln county board of supervisors will meet Tuesday, Oct. 2, at 1 o'colpk in the courthouse).

Read Telegraph Want Ads Daily Pile Sufferers Can Yon Answer These Questions? Do you knew why external remedies so seldom give quick and permanent relief? Why cutting does not remove the cause? Do you know the'cause of Files is internal? That there congestion of Wood in the lower veto? flab- the parts lifeless? it iu. know there to a iterwM rtmedyfor itoh- or' 1 hat is guar illes by nulates' impure blood, parts, to bborn cases that and all good ry sufferer to Mt'T dlllW-ROlD Tflbtoto tham as with re red known M' anteed? drives out i and restorM even Luly's Drt ftidag LINGERIE SALE to Styles All 89 SILK fnt Crew CREPE DE CHENE uriUi WJBST SUPS ttwp i Form FHtlnf. Lonr CREPE DE CHENE SUPS, CtttT Flak Choice of Any of the Items at 89c. PURE DYE SATIN DANCETTES an'd TEDDIES fewlljr EXTRA SIZE PANTIES The kind that usually tell at 39c to 5 25c SMART SWEATS Sty Twin Sett tnolnded GIRLS' SILK DRESSES Good' looking S(lk Drewu. BONNY FROCKS VfttBQUt Stotih HftiOl.

In NEW WOOL SKIRTS All Mid MA i colon 79c FABRIC CLOVES Nowlty Gxintltti la bUek brown BLOUSES DNUSTJAWiY BEAUTIFDl 0 FUU IkfffetU of ft uid Fattenu. Oar Easy WilLCatt Plan For any item in our store. Just a small deposit necessary. OF NEW BAGS 'Copies of Much Higher Priced Models. Very COSSACK JACKETS Mf Onto, thttf Uati, NEW: NOVELTY BLOUSES Vclret, Oordnwy $2 SUEDE JACKETS XM, Brown, Onea or Woe.

to FROCKS and ainthami 85c SHEER w. 3rd MILTON'S Read the Telegraph Want for Bargains! 110 W. 3rd 3rd Special for WAY, SATURDAY tiflTQ MI 0 95 Luxurious Fur Collars of Badger, Beaver, Skunk, Wool Fabrics and Lovely Silk Linings make these Coats Outstanding Values. $12.95 SPORT COATS $35.00 FUR TRIMMED COATS W.0S $6:05 GIRLS WINTER COATS $4.95 100 NEW FALL ORESS AHBIVBD TOMO: AND SATURDAY Velvet and Metallic Trims make these adorable dresses really Tile, green, black and brown. Wool Dresses School and offlee wear 81.95 99.96 A Special Group Silk Dresses, Clearance DOZENS OF STUNNING NEW HATS Tricornes, High Crowns, Berets, Pinched drown (Brims, Turbans Large' and small head that Ordinarily sell at SJ.75 and I3J50 Ofher Hat Groups, 81 and MILTON'S Want Daily IJargainsI Look what's back of the "PRICE" claims don't worry, you'll get this famous URE, youll hear A lot of talk about "special level" other so-called bargain claims.

Did it ever occur to you that our friends talk so much about price because they know that their tires can't stand up against the biggest sensation of the year-our "G-3" All-Weathers? Don't let them kid tire to buy is the tire with longer non-skid mileage at no extra price! That's what the "G-3" gives you. Come in and see for yourself! what yon get in new aftatlmr. uUtr All.W.athtr Atwater-Kent, Philco and UnitcdMotor Radios Ride you Pay- 09 0s One Dollar a Week SALES Phone 3001 WELLS Tl E. Iroftdway, Alton 101 E. Ferguwn, Wood River HMIDT Exide Batteries.

Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)


What is Alton Illinois famous for? ›

Alton has been telling its story in hundreds of ways over its nearly 200 year lifetime. It was home to the world's tallest man--Robert Wadlow and the Piasa--legendary man-eating bird. It was also the site of Abraham Lincoln's one and only duel.

Is Alton, Illinois a good place to live? ›

Living in Alton offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Alton there are a lot of bars. Many families live in Alton and residents tend to have moderate political views. The public schools in Alton are above average.

Who owns Alton Telegraph? ›

The Telegraph is owned by Hearst Newspapers, a company with more than 4,000 employees spread across 24 dailies and 64 weeklies across the nation.

Is Alton Illinois a city or town? ›

Welcome to the website of the City of Alton Illinois!

Founded in 1837, Alton is a city that is very rich in history and has a lot to offer. We have beautiful parks, a great school district, attractions, and events to interest everyone.

Is the telegraph conservative? ›

The Daily Telegraph is politically conservative and has endorsed the Conservative Party at every UK general election since 1945.

Who is the tallest man in Alton Illinois? ›

In 1918, Alton became the famous birthplace of Robert Wadlow, "The Gentle Giant." Born a normal eight pounds in 1918, Wadlow suffered from a pituitary gland problem. He was almost nine feet tall and 500 pounds when he died of complications from a foot infection at age 22.

What is the mythical creature in Alton Illinois? ›

Piasa bird, mythical monster depicted in a painting on a cliff overlooking the Mississippi River north of Alton, Illinois, U.S.

Why is Alton called Alton? ›

The River Wey has a source in the town, and the name Alton comes from an Anglo-Saxon word "aewielltun" meaning "farmstead at the source of the river".

What is the most peaceful city in Illinois? ›

Western Springs stands as the sole city reporting zero violent crimes, while Pingree Grove reports zero burglaries. Aggravated assault has emerged as the most common violent crime in Illinois, with only Campton Hills, Gilberts, and Western Springs reporting no occurrences.

What is the crime rate in Alton Illinois? ›

With a crime rate of 40 per one thousand residents, Alton has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 25.

What is the cost of living in Alton Illinois? ›

The total cost of housing, food, child care, transportation, health care, taxes, and other necessities for a single adult in Alton is $34,829 a year — less than the annual cost of living for Illinois of $37,387 and less than the national figure of $38,433.

Where is the Alton Telegraph? ›

Driving directions to Alton Telegraph, 219 Piasa St, Alton - Waze.

Who founded Alton Illinois? ›

Alton was developed as a river town in January 1818 by Rufus Easton, who named it after his son. Easton ran a passenger ferry service across the Mississippi River to the Missouri shore.

Who owns Alton Square Mall? ›

In 2015, NorthMarq sold the mall to Hull Property Group.

Where is Alton Steel headquarters? ›

Mail to 5 Cut Street, Alton IL 62002. Email to

How do I cancel my Alton Telegraph subscription? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling 618-463-2500 or by visiting

When was Alton Memorial built? ›

Ground was broken for Alton Memorial Hospital on Sept. 20, 1936, and the building was dedicated Nov. 2, 1937. Alton Memorial underwent four major expansions between 1942 and 1977.

How do I contact the telegraph by phone? ›

You can contact us by telephone on the Telegraph General Switchboard at +44 20 7931 2000.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.